Jesus clears the Temple!

Question: What was the purpose of buying and selling in the Temple in Jerusalem?


The Temple was/is Sacred to Almighty God (and His people); and the “Reverence” should always be maintained; and will be in the future, when Israel are re-adopted by Almighty God (Ezek. 39:21–29)!

When looking at the History of Israel and the Temple, that was not always the case, and on one occasion the Temple was Locked against use, and bricked up by the Jews (2Chron. 28:24).  That was one item of many, that Israel have reneged on re. their relationship with God, which is clearly itemised in Malachi, and many places in the Bible

When Jesus cleared the Temple of traders, who probably were selling more than just Sacrifice animals and birds, He stated clearly, "My house was designated a house of prayer; You have made it a hangout for thieves".  He also overturned the tables of money-changers and the seats of those who sold pigeons.

This cleansing took place during the last week of Jesus' life, after he entered Jerusalem in triumph; (Matt. 21:12)

The maintenance of the Sanctity of God’s Temple is central to the beginning of understanding of Almighty God’s Mind; and what His Purpose is for Mankind in Eternity!

"Those that worship Him, must worship Him in Spirit and in Truth" (John 4:24)!


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